Sport Pilot Requirements
A Private Pilot Certificate requires a minimum of 40 hours training, but the FAA has continuously
added material so it typically takes 60 to 70 hours - considerable investment in time and money
Sport Pilot requires less time and can be completed for Weight Shift (Trikes) aircraft in or near to the
minimum of 15 hours instruction - Trike Practical Test Standard manoeuvres are a little easier to fly
than in an Airplane.
The aeronautical experience for Sport Pilot is defined in Federal Aviation Regulation Part 61 Subpart
J paragraph 61.313
20 hours flight including 15 hours of training (dual with an instructor)
5 hours of supervised solo
2 hours of cross country flight training (dual with instructor)
One solo cross country of at least 50 nautical miles (for Weight Shift Control) – one full stop
landing at a minimum of two points, one segment a minimum of 25 nautical miles
10 take-offs and landings
2 hours of training within 60 days of the practical test date.
In addition to the above a multiple choice written test must be taken - it is recommended a training
packager is purchase from Gleim or similar provider early in the training sequence as preparation for
the written test will help with the flying in areas such as principles of flight, airport operations, cross
country planning.
To transion from WSC to Airplane or vica versa is straight forward - requires two endorsements
from two different instructors
1) Instructor endorsement stating training has been given and you meet the Practical Test Standard
for WSC or Airplane
2) An additional instructors gives you a check ride and provides a second endorsement stating you
meet the Practical Test Standard
An additonal written test is not required nor a practical test by a FAA examiner